Celebrate any occasion with our signature hamper.
We have sourced the finest products from bespoke suppliers that you won’t necessarily find on the supermarket shelves. Hobart Hamper Co chooses to exclusively use Tasmanian products (where possible). We believe it’s really important to all get behind our local producers because what they produce is truly world class! This makes our hampers so much more of a gift where the recipients wouldn’t have maybe tried these amazing products, which we love to showcase.
This hamper comes in a gorgeous basket and all the products are carefully packed in white tissue. It is then wrapped in cellophane and ribboned.
In this Hamper is:
- Cripps Premium Tasmanian Shortbread - Master Bakers Since 1878 - 200g
- Elly's Hand Made Tasmanian 6 pack Florentines - Yummy!
- Hand poured Vanilla soy candle - 35-40 hour burn time
- Locally grown succulent
- Hobart Breakfast Tea
- Fudge a'fare - Tasmanian devil Fudge 80g (Gold medal award)
Why not add a bottle of wine too!
Note: Due to availability - the basket may change.
At times some products pictured may be unavailable due to seasonal conditions. HOBART HAMPER CO will always take utmost care to ensure the final product is similar in quality to the requested item. Substitutions and alterations to the style of a product will be of similar quality and value. One of our fabulous hamper curators will contact you if the selection is too different or unavailable.
Same Day Delivery please place your order online by 2pm Weekdays. Saturday Delivery can be organised in advance. We do not deliver on a Sunday, except for Occasions such as Mother's Day and Valentine's Day. Check out our delivery Information page or call us if you have any questions (03) 6234 4668